Business GPT - High Availability and Performance

Business GPT - High Availability and Performance

Extra servers and GPUs can be added to a deployment to improve speed and capacity as well as to provide redundancy.

Dashboard Website

An additional version of the site can be deployed to a separate Windows server and load balanced for high availbility.


Additional containers can be deployed of the Gateway to increase speed of local data ingestion and embedding.

  • Each container should be assigned a separate GPU.

  • A GPU that is intended for use with the LLM may be used for embedding during a pre rollout phase to speed up the ingestion of a company's initial dataset.

  • For higher resiliency, each Gateway container can be deployed to a separate host

  • Single instances of SQL and Vector databases will need to be shared by all Gateway containers

SQL + Vector DB Servers

Highly available SQL Server and Postgres PGVector deployments are supported.