How to redirect ChatGPT\Copilot Prompts to AI Firewall Proxy
How to redirect ChatGPT\Copilot Prompts to AI Firewall Proxy
To inspect ChatGPT\Copilot interactions in real time, you have to redirect their traffic from client PC’s to AI Firewall proxy server.
This can be achieved with a PAC file configured in each PC proxy settings, or integrated in the organization PAC file.
Here is the AI Firewall PAC file configuration and URL’s:
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
var ignorelist = new Array();
var proxylist = new Array(
// "*.clients6.google.com",
// "*.googleusercontent.com",
// "*.googletagmanager.com",
// "*.googleapis.com"
// Check if need to ignore
for (var i = 0; i < ignorelist.length; i++) {
var value = ignorelist[i];
if (dnsDomainIs(host, value)) {
return "DIRECT";
// Return our proxy name for matched domains/hosts
for (var i = 0; i < proxylist.length; i++) {
var value = proxylist[i];
if (shExpMatch(host, value)) {
return "PROXY";
return "DIRECT";
URL to AGAT PAC file: https://agatpacs.s3.amazonaws.com/AGAT_AI.pac
Dev PAC file: