How to Configure Connection to SQL AlwaysOn Cluster?
How to Configure Connection to SQL AlwaysOn Cluster?
- Install the AP database on the primary SQL Server with the installer.
- Configure SQL AlwaysOn.
- Open SQL Management Studio.
- Connect to the Virtual IP of the cluster.
- Run CreateDatabaseUsers.sql script (found in Payload\SqlScripts\Utils in the installation folder).
- Edit AP connection string (found in inetpub\AccessPortal\configuration\connectionStrings.config) to connect to the Virtual IP of the cluster.
- Edit Maintenance Service connection string (found in Agat\MaintenanceService\Configuration\connectionStrings.config) to connect to the Virtual IP of the cluster.
- Edit SIP Filter connection string (found in Agat\SIPFilter\AGATSfBSIPFilter.yaml) to connect to the Virtual IP of the cluster.