How to Configure Connection to SQL AlwaysOn Cluster?

How to Configure Connection to SQL AlwaysOn Cluster?

  1.  Install the AP database on the primary SQL Server with the installer.
  2. Configure SQL AlwaysOn.
  3. Open SQL Management Studio.
  4. Connect to the Virtual IP of the cluster.
  5. Run CreateDatabaseUsers.sql script (found in Payload\SqlScripts\Utils in the installation folder).
  6. Edit AP connection string (found in inetpub\AccessPortal\configuration\connectionStrings.config) to connect to the Virtual IP of the cluster.
  7. Edit Maintenance Service connection string (found in Agat\MaintenanceService\Configuration\connectionStrings.config) to connect to the Virtual IP of the cluster.
  8. Edit SIP Filter connection string (found in Agat\SIPFilter\AGATSfBSIPFilter.yaml) to connect to the Virtual IP of the cluster.