How to Configure SphereShield Ethical Wall and DLP to Write Auditing Events into Windows Event Log

Mar 14, 2022

To write Sphereshield auditing events into the Windows event log (Event Viewer) , verify the “EventLogAppender” log level is set to WARN. If you do not wish to write the events into the Windows event logs - change the log level to ERROR or completely remove the <appender-ref.=”EventLogAppender”>


The appender section is located in the relevant log4net file of each component as below :

  • For Ethical wall - SkypeShield.EthicalWallPolicyEngine.log4net

  • For DLP - SkypeShield.Dlp.log4net

The files are located in the adapter root folder


  • Verify the appender is referenced as below

  • When an audit occurs, in the event viewer under “Windows Logs - Application” the Warning should appear as below: