Logs & Settings Action Plan for Admin Portal

Logs & Settings Action Plan for Admin Portal

Please follow these steps to collect the Admin Portal logs and settings: 

If you have access to the Admin WebUI:

  1. Open the Admin Portal WebUI
  2. Browse to the tab "Logs and Settings" under "Support & Maintenance" 
  3. Change the log level to DEBUG
  4. Replicate the issue
  5. Click on Export
  6. Send AGAT Support the ZIP file.

  1. If you do not have access to the Admin WebUI or Export doesn't work:
  1. Go to the IIS Server hosting the Admin Portal 
  2. Explore the Admin Portal folder managed by IIS or through Inetpub folder located by default at:D:\Inetpub and choose the AdminPortal folder you need
  3. Change the log level to debug by changing the log4net.config file found in the AccessPortal\config folder.
  4. Switch <level value="INFO"> to <level value=”DEBUG”>
  5. Change the AccessPortal\logs\AccessPortal.log file name suffix to .old
  6. Replicate the issue.
  7. Send AGAT Support the AccessPortal.log file.