Logs & Settings Action Plan for EWS protector

Logs & Settings Action Plan for EWS protector

Please follow this action plan in order to collect the logs:

1.Change log levels

I. Change the EWS and Bastion Log Level

  1. Backup the EWS_Protector.xml and Bastion.xml file
  2. Change the log severity level to debug and enable dumps:
    • Change the <logging> tag in EWS_Protector.xml:
      1. In <main> tag configure <severity>debug</severity>
      2. In <dumps> tag change <enabled>true</enabled>
  3. Save changes

2. Replicate the issue

3. Collect files

  1. Collect the log EWS_<poolname>_<date>.log and the Dumps folder from the relevant date
  2. Collect the EWS_Protector.xml
  3. Export Access Portal Logs
  4. Collect the Bastion Logs
  1. Open the Access Portal WebUI
  2. Browse to /admin/logfiles
  3. Change the log level to DEBUG
  4. Replicate the issue
  5. Click on Export
  6. Send AGAT Support the AccessPortal.log file.

4. Revert Changes

I. Revert back to the old EWS_Protector.xml

II. Restart the Bastion Service

  1. Open PowerShell
  2. Execute: Restart-Service bastion
The following files are expected to be delivered following this plan:
  1. Access Portal logs and settings
  2. EWS_<poolname>_<date>.log from the relevant date
  3. EWS Traffic Dumps folder from the relevant date
  4. EWS_Protector.xml
  5. Skype for Business Client logs

Default file location could be found here.

Please include the following information:
a. Time frames of issue
b. Users involved (SIP Address, AD username, UPN, etc.)

The following files are expected to be delivered following this plan:
  1. Access Portal logs and settings
  2. EWS_<poolname>_<date>.log from the relevant date
  3. EWS Traffic Dumps folder from the relevant date
  4. EWS_Protector.xml
  5. Skype for Business Client logs
  6. Bastion Logs

Default file location could be found here.

Please include the following information:
a. Time frames of issue
b. Users involved (SIP Address, AD username, UPN, etc.)